Chief Iskukua's Birthday Celebration

July 30th- August 8th 

 A 1 week birthday celebration, plant medicine experience, and cultural immersion in the Yawanawa village of the Brazilian Amazon

Photos by @rachelgrayphoto & @eliasamazonacre

What past participants are saying about this experience...

 - Dennise R, Family Therapist

This trip changed me in ways I could never imagine. From feeling the love of community to freeing my inner child, I saw life in the way it was supposed to be lived through the lens of the Yawanawa people.

Learning about their culture and way of life, has given me a greater appreciation for all the beauty of the world more than I ever had before.

Having the opportunity to enjoy it with people I’ve never met before, and truly meeting your soul family, made the experience even more special as they will support you and be the mirror to reflect you back to you in the most beautiful way.

The magic of the Amazonia will truly heal you if you allow it to. If you feel the call to go, don’t hesitate and follow that call. It will literally catapult you into your biggest expansion filled with the most incredible outcomes.

 - John B, Conscious Entrepreneur

Taking the journey to the rainforest to spend time with the Yawanana is an experience that I will always say had a massive impact on my life. It’s so hard to put into words what I got out of it.

Witnessing the tribe in their day to day life, their celebration, joy and hard work, the beauty of the rainforest, the ceremonies, their music, the dancing and people I met all are parts of what made it so special. If you have the call and the opportunity, I couldn’t recommend it more.

in the healing, joy, and magic of the Yawanawá Indigenous people in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest.

If you’ve been in my world long enough, you’ve watched me take many journeys to this sacred forest. It is here that I’ve had the deepest revelations, not just in my business, but in my life and in my soul — this place has become my anchor into the realm of the Spirit.


It is the greatest blessing that I get to invite you into this journey back to the natural.

 Together, we will celebrate Chief Iskukua's birthday, sit in ceremony with Ayahuasca with Indigenous Shamans, reclaim remembrance of your innate abundance, exchange in culture, & discover the Yawanawá way of life.


This expedition has the power to shift the trajectory of your entire life and business.

To reawaken something deep inside your soul.

To bring forth new ideas you're meant to birth into this world.

Photos by @rachelgrayphoto 



The Yawanawá are an Indigenous group that live up the Gregorio river in Acre, Brasil.

There are currently about ~1200 that occupy the tribe.

Their chief Nixiwaka, his wife, Putanny (the first female shaman of Brasil), and their entire family - including the Chief’s son, Iskukua (the chief of Nova Esperança) have staked their claim on the world stage as leaders in continuing the ancient traditions of their tribe in the heart of the Amazon.

The opening of the Isku Vakehuhu Children's cultural center in Nova Esperança is a huge step in the right direction in maintaining their cultural tradition for the future generation children

Photos by @rachelgrayphoto 

Chief Iskukua is chief of Nova Esperanca village and the son of the Head Chief of the Yawanawa - Nixiwaka.

For the past several years Iskukua has been dedicating himself to the preservation of Yawanawa culture. 

In October 2022, he opened the Children's Isku Vakehuhu Center as a way to maintain the Yawanawa language, music, and traditions amongst the younger generation

You are a part of this preservation, as this expedition will be taking place at the center itself and your contributions will be directly supporting the school!


The immersion program includes... 

  • Chief Iskukua's Birthday celebration!
  • Music and Chants
  • Ancient storytelling with elders
  • Traditional village games
  • Body/face painting
  • Healing plant study
  • Plant medicine ceremonies
  • Rhapé circles
  • & more

  • July 28th or 29th- International flight arrival to Brasilia, São Paulo, or Rio

  • July 30th Depart from Brasilia, Sao Paulo, or Rio to CZS (Cruzeiro do Sul) arrives around noon

  • July 31st- 5am departure from hotel - boats to Nova Esperança village

  • July 31st- August 6th in the village 
  • Activities include: 2-3 Aya ceremonies, birthday celebrations, games, rhapé circles, storytelling, artisanal fair, traditional face painting, sacred mud/herbal baths, music, visit to the sacred tree and more...

  • August 7th- depart from the village early morning back to Cruzeiro do Sul

  • August 8th - Flight departs at 12:35PM from Cruzeiro do Sul back to Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Rio, onwards


Here’s what you need to know…

Investment: 2499
Early bird: 2199 until April 1st, 2025
(payment plans available)

- 2 nights hotel stay (breakfast included)
- Roundtrip Airport to hotel transfer
- Roundtrip boat transfer to village and from the port 
- 3 meals daily (vegan, gluten free options available*) during your stay in the village
- 2-3 ceremonies with the sacred Uni (ayahuasca)
- 1 90 minute pre-group meeting via Zoom
- 1 90 minute post trip meeting via Zoom

- Airfare 
- Meals in CZS
- Snacks for the boat ride
- Sleeping gear

Ready to go on this once in a lifetime journey?

Here's the next step:

If you're feeling the call, you're going to know. You will feel it in your body. You will feel it in your soul.

This is an invitation to lean into that. 

Can't wait to go on this adventure with you!

On the application there will be a few questions for you to answer.

From there, you will be able to book a call so we can discuss details and you can make an informed decision.

Fill in the form below and you will then be redirected to an application to fill out.