You’re being called to 
follow your highest purpose

You’re being called to follow your highest purpose.

You know your soul’s mission is to serve, heal, and lead others in a big, magical way… Like you, I’ve always felt intuitively called to serve others in some way.

Initially, I thought that meant becoming an actress. I was living in Los Angeles after graduating from UCLA in 2017, and while the entertainment industry is notoriously tough to crack, I was actually getting booked.

From the outside, everything looked great. But inside, I was miserable. I felt trapped in a toxic relationship, my anxiety was through the roof, and acting simply wasn’t filling my cup. So I had to do something before I exploded…..

I put everything I owned in storage and jetted off to 
Asia for a solo backpacking trip.

I’m sure you’re familiar with the story by now: Girl goes to Bali, 
discovers there’s more to life than the consumerist society 
she grew up in, and lives happily ever after 
barefoot on the beach.

But I got way more than I bargained for in the form 
of a full-blown spiritual awakening that rocked me
 to my core. Yes, my journey involved plenty of love, 
light, and joy in the form of yoga, meditation, and 
hammocks on the beach — but I still had to navigate my shadow and darkness along the way.

I unearthed all the fears and lies I was hiding behind 
that were keeping me from becoming the highest 
version of myself. And most importantly…..

You know your soul’s mission is to serve, heal, and lead others in a big, magical way

Like you, I’ve always felt intuitively called to serve others in some way.

I put everything I owned in storage and jetted off to Asia for a solo backpacking trip.

I’m sure you’re familiar with the story by now: Girl goes to Bali, discovers there’s more to life than the consumerist society she grew up in, and lives happily ever after barefoot on the beach.

But I got way more than I bargained for in the form of a full-blown spiritual awakening that rocked me to my core. Yes, my journey involved plenty of love, light, and joy in the form of yoga, meditation, and hammocks on the beach — but I still had to navigate my shadow and darkness along the way. 

I unearthed all the fears and lies I was hiding behind that were keeping me from becoming the highest version of myself. And most importantly…..

Initially, I thought that meant becoming an actress. I was living in Los Angeles after graduating from UCLA in 2017, and while the entertainment industry is notoriously tough to crack, I was actually getting booked.

From the outside, everything looked great. But inside, I was miserable. I felt trapped in a toxic relationship, my anxiety was through the roof, and acting simply wasn’t filling my cup. So I had to do something before I exploded…..

I remembered I was put on this Earth to empower the next generation of New Earth leaders. To help them fully step into their power in order to help call in a New Paradigm.
— a vision for the future in which all of humanity lives in joy, freedom, and abundance.

A year and a half later I returned to LA forever changed. After a few months, I went full nomad 
and moved to Bali as everyone around me wondered what the hell I was doing. I found my first mentor 
and decided to dive head-first into serving others in the most direct way I knew of: through mentorship. 

I launched my first real program with the help of a business coach and quickly hit my first five-figure 
month. I finally felt fully aligned with my soul’s true purpose, and the abundance began to flow. I hired 
another coach who helped me step fully into my power and crack six figures by the end of 2020.

I had set myself up for big-time success by focusing on my own spiritual development and getting in touch 
with my divine feminine energy — so by the time I actually started working on my business strategy, things 
quickly began to flow in a way that seemed utterly magical.

Continue reading below…

I remembered I was put on this earth to empower the next generation of New Earth leaders. To help them fully step into their power in order to help call in a New Paradigm — a vision for the future in which all of humanity lives in joy, freedom, and abundance.

I realized that my spiritual path and my business pursuits were one and the same: 

My business was my divine calling.

And it was around this realization that I built my signature coaching methodology: 
One that’s not just focused on marketing strategies, sales calls, and income goals, but that’s rooted in energetic awareness and spiritual practices. Something that I became even more aware of once I started working in the Amazon rainforest (yes, you read that right) with the Yawanawá and plant medicine…
In fact, this is what I now know…..When you tune into spirit, everything starts to align perfectly. You call in the life experiences your soul’s been yearning for. You open up to receive abundance in your life and business like you’ve never imagined. You impact more people than you ever thought possible. By tuning into my soul’s truest desires and tapping into my natural gifts, I’ve scaled my business to $300,000 in just a year and a half, and I’m projecting to double, triple, or even quadruple that in the next year.

And it was around this realization that I built my signature coaching methodology: One that’s not just focused on marketing strategies, sales calls, and income goals, but that’s rooted in energetic awareness and spiritual practices. Something that I became even more aware of once I started working in the Amazon rainforest (yes, you read that right) with the Yawanawá and plant medicine… In fact, this is what I now know...When you tune into spirit, everything starts to align perfectly. You call in the life experiences your soul’s been yearning for. You open up to receive abundance in your life and business like you’ve never imagined. You impact more people than you ever thought possible. By tuning into my soul’s truest desires and tapping into my natural gifts, I’ve scaled my business to nearly $300,000 in just a year and a half, and I’m projecting to double, triple, or even quadruple that in the next year.

But more importantly…..

I’ve helped dozens of coaches & entrepreneurs make the quantum 
leap into embodied wealth, leadership, and impact.

And it’s all because I listened to that inner knowing that’s been inside of me all along.

Ready to claim your magic and become the New Earth leader you were born to be?

Apply to work with me

A year and a half later I returned to LA forever changed. After a few months, I went full nomad and moved to Bali as everyone around me wondered what the hell I was doing. I found my first mentor and decided to dive head-first into serving others in the most direct way I knew of: through mentorship. 

I launched my first real program with the help of a business coach and quickly hit my first five-figure month. I finally felt fully aligned with my soul’s true purpose, and the abundance began to flow. I hired another coach who helped me step fully into my power and crack six figures by the end of 2020.

I had set myself up for big-time success by focusing on my own spiritual development and getting in touch with my divine feminine energy — so by the time I actually started working on my business strategy, things quickly began to flow in a way that seemed utterly magical.

Four deep truths about me

Fact 1

Fact 2

Fact 3

Fact 4

I love ecstatic dance + playing the 
ukulele (and you’ll often see me 
doing both on my Instagram

My mom is from Portugal + my 
dad hails from Brazil, making me
a first-generation American

I’ve visited 37 countries all over the 
world including Russia, Japan, Italy 
+ Cape Verde

I am a psychic, intuitive, medium 
and channeler + I bring all my gifts 
to my coaching practice

Apply to work with me

I’ve visited 37 countries all over the world including Russia, Japan, Italy + Cape Verde

I am a psychic, intuitive, medium and channeler + I bring all my gifts to my coaching practice