A 5 module self-guided experience to help you feel energized, reconnected, and clear on where you're headed next.

ready to light up your life?

There's something happening in your heart right now.

A sacred stir and a holy hum reminding you that the Universe isn't done with you yet.

You've reached an incredible height in your business - powerful launches, soul-aligned marketing, and soulmate clients - but you can't help but feel like you've hit a wall.

Showing up everyday feels like a chore, you're not sure what's supposed to come next, your content ideads aren't flowing, and your last launch wasn't the explosive 5-figure launch you were hoping it would be.

Things just aren't feeling in alignment anymore.

You're incredibly grateful for all that you've created but, when you really get honest with yourself,

You're not fully fulfilled.

And there's a part of you that feels guilty AF for admitting that.

"I have freedom, abundance, an amazing community, & everything I've ever dreamed of manifesting. Who am I to complain? Who am I to ask for more?"

You've convinced yourself that it's better to just suck it up, stay where you are, and ignore that pull inside of you.

So, you make another post that doesn't excite you.

You stick with the same offers because they "work".

You go through the motions of the day in and out, ignoring the thread of desire that's screaming

"i want more"

Your intuition feels hard to tap into to the point where you don't even feel as connected to Spirit anymore or know how to discern the voice of your own soul.

When you check in and ask "what do I need right now", there's radio silence.

No downloads. No inspiration. No revelations. Nothing.

You have no idea where to go next, what to launch, or which direction to take your marketing and you're at a point where this whole business thing doesn't feel as exciting as it used to.

You've forgotten that the whole purpose of running a soul aligned business is to have a fucking blast while doing what you love. 


There are no rules, no limits, no boundaries to what you can create.

Your business is a vessel to anchor in limitless potentials of freedom, pleasure, and bliss into your life.

It's designed to support your desires, not suppress them.

This stagnant energy that you're feeling is the Universe's way of saying, 

There's so much more.

You've only uncovered  layer of what you came here to create.

This is just the beginning, my love.

Get excited because you're on the edge of stepping into a whole new realm of joy, abundance, leadsership, passion, and transformation in your life.

You're about to enter into an era where you reconnect to your why & remember exactly what you came here to do.

I created Lit Up!, a self-guided immersion to reinvigorate your life & biz: for the New Earth Leader who's ready to fall back in love with their business and live a life that lights them up.

You'll experience a total activation back into your fullest expression.

You'll come alive each morning with a hunger to create, play, express, and lead from a place of embodied desire.

You'll channel streams of content that speak directly to your soulmate clients.

You'll unlock your next 6-figure idea that leads to a min blowingly easy & effortless launch.

All you have to do is show up in the space and be activated.

I use my gifts as a psychic medium to channel the highest vibrational codes to help you unlock every aspect of you that has fallen asleep and forgotten its mission.

You will come together in a JUICY community of other high level visionaries. 

You will meet your edges, revel in connection, and tap back into your inner fire.

The frequency of your entire life will shift every call, allowing you to quantum leap into a brand new timeline where limits don't exist.

A timeline where you're living a life that turns you on, makes you feel alive, and satisfies that holy hum inside of you.

I'm so excited that I get to go on this journey with you!

More energy.
More aliveness.
More intuition.
More creativity.
More excitement.
& More momentum.

-5 modules of inspiration, creativity, and clarity

-Tools and practices to use throughout your lifetime

HERE'S what you get when you come play in this world...

& get ready for all the juiciness like...

-Group channeling
-Fun and edgy challenges to get you out of your comfort zone and back into your heart
-Movement & dancing!
-Practical methods to inspire your soul for where you're headed next

ready to be lit up! again?

Click the link below to sign up now

All levels of entrepreneurs welcome!

Any questions, DM me on IG (@reginaosilva)
