a 6 month mastermind for visionary,  spiritual entrepreneurs to scale to
 $10-20k months with 
Spirit, Strategy, & Community.

Your business is even more in alignment with Spirit, an effortless co creation with God.

Your channel is so open and in tune with the divine; 

Your content is on point, your masterclasses are on fire, and your offers are irresistibly magnetic.

You smile because your roster is filled with aligned, high level, soulmate clients who get incredible results and are obsessed with what you do.

Multiple, successful launches become a regular thing.

Consistent $10-20k cash months are your new normal.

You no longer have just a business but a community & BRAND that is rapidly growing in recognition.

& to top it all off, you have more freedom to invest in what you please, to travel as you desire, and to continue living the wild life you are worthy of.

You’re stepping into a reality where..…

You’ve BECOME the soul aligned,
 6 figure version of you.

Having been in business 3+ years I’ve had a taste of what it’s like to scale like this and NOT like this.

With Spirit, Strategy, & Community, and with it completely thrown out the window.

The former way? 

Is choosing to have a stream of divine lifeforce energy remain constant in your life & business.

It’s choosing to be balanced with your spirituality while using proven business strategies that actually work.

It’s choosing to be supported by people who speak your language.

These 3 components have truly been the recipe for not just a “scaled” business but a life AND business beyond my wildest dreams.

They are what have taken me on a journey of expressing myself fully & deeply, coming out of the “spiritual closet”, traveling all around the world, supporting 100s of spiritual entrepreneurs across the globe,

co hosting plant medicine retreats in the jungles of the Amazon, growing an online community of over 100,000 people, and building generational wealth. 

Now it’s my job to take all the lessons I’ve learned from the past 3 years to help you collapse time and step into the most aligned & thriving, SPIRITUAL CEO version of you.


Take it from me…


- Heal & transmute the underlying programming, beliefs, & traumas that are keeping you from reaching the $10-20k month level using different inner work/spiritual modalities (light language, shadow work, inner child healing, & so much more).

- Strengthen your psychic & mediumship abilities so that you and your clients get even more potent results that are truly magical.

- Unlock the key to channeling what uniquely wants to come through you to create irresistibly magnetic offers and content.

- Deepen your relationship to who you really are making it easier to overcome challenges, manifest, and create the business of your dreams.

- Find a healthy balance between your masculine doing and your feminine being in your business

Inside of BECOMING you will…..


- Map out your 6 figure product suite & quarterly launch plan to create consistent $10-20k months and grant you the lifestyle that fits your energy flow.

- Elevate your marketing & messaging strategy to call in higher quality, premium clients 

- Discover exactly how to plan & execute multiple 5 figure launches

- Uncover how to build a devoted team to free more of your time & energy & elevate you to true Spiritual CEO status.

- Update your sales process for less objections & more “I’m ins!” 

- Learn how to automate your funnels to call in consistent leads & plant the seed for selling offers passively


- Expand your business into a movement that your people believe in and are obsessed with 

- Fill your roster with 6 star, long term, repeat clients who want to work with you again and again

- Plug in to a network of other healers, lightworkers, & visionaries just like you who you’ll collaborate with and become your new best friends. 



- A business that is more in alignment with Spirit, that flows, and feels more effortless

- A stronger channel that allows you to facilitate with potency; you’re no longer coaching from the mind and you’re creating higher caliber offers, masterclasses, and content

- A roster filled with aligned, high level, soulmate clients who get incredible results and love your work 

- Multiple sold out launches

- Consistent $10-20k cash months 

- Not just a business, but a BRAND that is rapidly growing 

- More freedom to invest in what you please, to travel as you desire, and to live the wild life you are worthy of

Before working with Regina, I was struggling to balance work/life or masculine/feminine energy. I was dreaming of a life filled with more space to create the offerings I had been dreaming of.

I was holding back from sharing the vulnerable sides of running a business on social media. I was resentful of my team because I felt I was over working. But working with Regina was effortless.

She held space for me to bring whatever was coming up for me at the time and she encouraged my dreams into fruition. 

I have stepped into the energy of the woman I had been dreaming of. I honor what I need and I hold space for rest.

I am effortlessly calling in 17k per month in sales. I held Ireland’s first ever sacred tattoo event. I am in the middle of creating a human perspective tattoo training programme. I am filling my cup with family time and dates with my husband and time outdoors with my fur babies. 

Feeling so blissful. I would say take the leap. The rest will follow. Bet on yourself and go all in because that action of showing up for yourself like that will change your life. You can live in that space of holding back for your whole life, but why not see what it feels like to just jump!


From holding back to effortless $17k months

Aisling M, Tattoo Artist and Coach

Before Becoming, I felt like I really lost my voice, my power, my Self. I hadn’t signed a client for 2 months, but my heart felt pulled to this space. It was scary, but I knew it would be a disservice if I didn’t leap. 

Becoming allowed me to heal my sisterhood wounds, step deeper into my leadership skills and authenticity, and to become magnetic. I found my voice again. 

I got to see Regina facilitate her magic, her wisdom; the strategy and the energetics, all in an incredible container of vulnerable, powerful entrepreneurs who are on this path to creating a New Earth.

Before our calls even began, the VIP library alone helped me call in clients in the first 3 weeks. I also launched 2 programs that lit up my soul and were a huge success, raised my prices, called in 5 new high ticket VIP clients, but more importantly I became no one else but me.

If you’re drawn into this world, it’s for a reason. You may think that you're leaping off the edge, but you're not here to fall; you're here to be caught, you’re here to be held. 

Jesse Bax, Divine Feminine Healer


Watch Jesse’s Full Client Spotlight Interview Here

Pre Becoming, I was really looking for mentorship, support and community.I knew I didn't want to do this entrepreneurship journey alone and since working with Regina, it's crazy how much has changed and how much has shifted inside of me. 

This space has helped me heal my sisterhood wounds. It feels so good to be supported and seen and to be vulnerable in front of these other entrepreneurs. It also accelerated the inner work that I needed to do and helped me realize that these ups and downs in business are normal. I loved receiving both energetic and strategic support throughout the experience.

I’m walking away with so many wins. I'm truly scaling. I'm more vulnerable. I'm celebrating myself more and allowing others to celebrate me. I’ve raised my prices and am calling in soulmate clients into my world. I was featured in Vice magazine for being a dark feminine Queen on Tik Tok. I was super burnt out and now I’m not and I’ve officially hit a $10k month!  

If you’re on the fence about joining Becoming and feeling that resistance, it really is your chance to lean in and to take the risk because on the other side is your biggest expansion. You just have to trust that what you'll be learning will 10x itself. I know it's scary, but trust your heart, trust your gut and go for it!


-Ari Selene, Psychic Development Coach & Dark Feminine Leader

Watch Ari’s Full Client Spotlight Interview here

Before Becoming, I was in a transition phase of my business. The messaging I was putting out and the clients I was bringing in, started to have a disconnect because people were looking for a quick fix. I questioned everything. I had so much self doubt coming up, so many limiting beliefs that had never been here before.

When I was inside of Becoming, I went through so many pivots and changes but I've landed on who I am now, which is part of why it is so amazing. Whenever anything arises, Regina comes at it from the strategy and the energetic side, which I love because you can't just rely on strategy alone. Becoming helped me address common challenges that entrepreneurs face, from marketing and figuring out your brand voice and your messaging, to making sure you're promoting your offers in a very magnetic way.  

Now, I feel like I’ve landed on my identity as a coach. I've nailed down who I want to work with, the movement that I'm creating with my audience, my messaging and I feel very refreshed. I know exactly where I need to go. I feel way more confident, more grounded.

I healed and processed so many limiting beliefs and inner child wounds and even ancestral programming that I didn't even know were brewing inside of me. Now, I am the leader that I've desired to be my entire life.

If you’re on the fence about joining Becoming, I have tried just being in low ticket programs, but there's truly no comparison between a high level, hands on investment and a lower ticket investment.

Becoming will truly activate you. The transformation that I went through in working with Regina has changed my life forever and you will never find a community as good as the Becoming community or just the New Earth vortex community in general.

Trust your intuition. Take the leap of faith and say yes to your dream life. 

Hannah Plourde, Intuitive Business Mentor

From stagnant to healed, happy, & thriving!

Watch Hannah’s Full Client Spotlight Interview Here

- 4 - 50 Minute 1:1s you can cash in throughout your time inside Becoming

- 3x a month weekly live mastermind group calls

- Me in your corner, T-F inside of our bumping Voxer Group chat

- Instant access to the entire VIP library of materials (worth over $15k - includes UCB, Silver To Gold, Tik Tok Mastery, Activate, 2 weeks to 10x, & so much more)

- FREE VIP access to all up and coming paid programs, masterclasses, and events.

- Special events, bonuses, surprises, and MORE (because we always overdeliver).

Here’s what’s included

Once you fill it in, you will be redirected to an official application; please fill in the application completely and book your discovery call 


12K for 6 months

Payment plans available

Fill in the form below to apply now.

On the call you and I will drop in to see if this truly is the next big move for you and your business. If it is, you'll be able to enroll, if not, I will point you in a better direction.

More client shifts & wins

You’ve invested in yourself and business before and are prepared to invest again

You’ve worked with at least 15 people and know how to properly facilitate and get your clients results.

You have a foundational understanding of how to market & sell your offers 

You’ve launched at least twice & have successfully brought in clients through these launches

You already have a presence on Instagram and are actively creating content around your offers

You’re devoted to your spirituality and see your practices as non- negotiable

This is how you know you’re ready for BECOMING...

You have at least one high ticket offer in your product suite

More client shifts & wins

This is huge. The fact you’ve even gotten to this point in your journey is something worth celebrating.

And now you’re a breath away from entering a space that reflects what you already know is inevitable.

A space that’s dynamic, alive, and matches the frequency of your VISION.

Of course you’re feeling something in your body, I’d be more shocked if you weren’t, but you’ve done this before, and you know that taking the leap in the direction of your soul never gets easier; it’s that you become braver. 

You already know what’s on the other side of your full faith, trust, and surrender.

It’s an honor to hold you in this space.

Because it is in this magical space that determines whether you will stay the same, or if you will choose to BECOME who you already know you are.


This is huge. The fact you’ve even gotten to this point in your journey is something worth celebrating.

And now you’re a breath away from entering a space that reflects what you already know is inevitable.

A space that’s dynamic, alive, and matches the frequency of your VISION.

Of course you’re feeling something in your body, I’d be more shocked if you weren’t, but you’ve done this before, and you know that taking the leap in the direction of your soul never gets easier; it’s that you become braver. 

You already know what’s on the other side of your full faith, trust, and surrender.

It’s an honor to hold you in this space.

Because it is in this magical space that determines whether you will stay the same, or if you will choose to BECOME who you already know you are.


My Love,