The SECRETS to exponential wealth,
world changing leadership, and the expansion of your soul aligned business




-Nicole, Psychedelic Education | Community | Support

Grateful for this medicine, THANK YOU!


 -Jenna, Doula 

This community never disappoints!

-Seraphima, Personal Coach

​​I really enjoy the energy, the way Regina facilitates with such confidence. 
A Great example of a leader and I loved the info in here. 

-Cheyenne, Holistic Wellness & Goal Mentor

I've been following Regina and her journey for a while now & am SO elated to have finally experienced her service in such a connected way <3 (: 

-Jan, Creative Director | Agent of Change

I just really appreciated this so much. Hearing all these secrets was food for my soul. Blessings. Thank you. 

-Lauren, Writer 

I really loved this masterclass! Lots of varying pieces which were all very helpful 

-Sol, Female Empowerment Coach

I enjoy Regina’s refreshing approach towards a soul aligned new earth business model. 

-Domino, Holistic Nurse Coach

Regina, Thank you for opening the New Earth vortex to us and serving from the bottom of your heart, we’re all feeling it!!! 

-Caecilia, Intuitive Guide

I love the moments of meditation, dance and stillness to self-reflect and the emphasis on community. I am excited to attend more events in the future!

-Sophia, Reparenting Medium

Thank you for Regina for holding this space and activating us so we can align to our path of global impact <3

 -Anastasia, Mentor | Healer | Psychic

This was amazing!! 

-Hayley, Cyclical Wellness

This masterclass will equip you with the knowledge, mindset, and strategies to soulfully SCALE your business & call in more abundance, impact, and fulfillment

- Gain insights into the mindset and habits of truly wealthy spiritual entrepreneurs.

- Uncover powerful wealth creation techniques to accelerate your financial growth.

- Develop visionary leadership perspectives to expand your ability to inspire and empower others.

- Discover techniques to build tight knit, high-performing teams and grow your movement

- Learn how to perfect a scalable and sustainable business model that generates exponential growth & creates bigger ripples of impact

- Develop an unshakeable confidence in your abilities to scale your business to the next level.

Inside of this FREE Masterclass you will...



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If you’re still thinking about whether you should sign up for Aligned & Thriving..…

-Tyler, Artist

If you need some extra inspiration and alignment then this is the masterclass for you! It will help you step into your power and own your life! 

You only have everything to gain! 

-Domino, Holistic Nurse Coach


-Jan, Creative Director

Regina is so inspiring, even if you feel like you've heard it before, she explains everything in a new refreshing light.

-Nella, Pittsburgh Yoga Tarot & Reiki

Bitch it’s free dope information, give yourself a better chance at your business's success! 

-Cheyenne, Holistic Wellness & Goal Mentor

DO IT!!!! Regina always provides VALUE!

-Hayley, Cyclical Wellness

It's worth it. If you're feeling stuck or confused about who you are or what you're doing with your business, WATCH IT!

 -Wen, Side Hustle Mentor 

This will really help you expand your mindset and see what's possible. 

-Sydney, Sacred Feminine Breathwork

Why wouldn't you want to be in a high-level space? 

-Sol, Female Empowerment Coach

Get in there - accept and receive the wealth of energy! 

-Anastasia, Mentor | Healer | Psychic

What have you to lose? 

-Seraphima, Personal Coach

This mastermind helps to reframe the mindset about having and running a business.

-Christina, Multi-dimensional Energy Healer

Definitely worth it to get inspired and learn amazing strategy+energetics 

-Emma, Alternative & Holistic Health Service

Watch the masterclass! The wisdom Regina drops will serve as confirmation for the things that either do or don't align with you in your business! 

-Karolin, Intuitive Healer


-Nicole, Psychedelic Education | Community | Support

You WILL find something to help spur the next steps 

-Julianna, Stress reduction coach | Embodiment Coah | Medical Intuitive 

Just do what I did. Chill on your bed with a notebook, eat some boiled eggs and LISTEN. It's the chillest most wonderful 2 hours you'll spend today.

-Lauren, Writer

Girl you got nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain

 -Jenna, Doula


-Caecilia, Intuitive Guide

Regina truly gives so much value in her free experiences. This was worth 100% of my time. 

-Megan, Voice Training Coach

WATCH IT! I got valuable coaching from Regina, which motivated me to focus on my business. 

-Sophia, Reparenting Medium