ENERGY, CLARITY, & momentum for your EVOLUTION

LEAD from your body & souL,
 Call in more WEALTH
And SERVE the new paradigm

A self-guided immersion to call you forward to your next level leadership, wealth, and impact.=

What Spiritual Entrepreneurs are saying about Activate…

-Sophia, Women's Mentor

The best part was seeing the way Regina leads, facilitates, and holds space. I really learn through osmosis & when I allow myself to be in spaces with women who inspire me, I naturally become a better mentor!

~Marcela, Hypnotherapist & Mindset Coach

Just being in the energy of the container is 100% worth it, plus SO MANY juicy take-aways :)

-Mah Kenzii, Artist

This course helped me break down old belief systems and let go of old versions of me. I realize now just how long I have been ready to create the life I have always dreamt of.

~Erica Hanner, Healer & Coach

Activate has helped me take more inspired action with my work. Regina reminded me of the importance of sharing my story in order to connect with my ideal clients. It was also a great reminder that there is always someone out there that will recognize the value of the work so I don't need to cut my prices or sell myself short. Overall, Activate helped me find my confidence with my marketing again, so thank you!!

~RiAnn, Wellness Energy Practitioner

Activate helped me feel regenerated to come back to my business with appreciation and gratitude, knowing how I can impact my world!

~Marcela, Hypnotherapist & Mindset Coach

I'm walking away feeling super activated (mission accomplished!)
re: my mission, my work, re-aligning with my why, connecting to the excitement and the joy of it and the possibility that awaits me.

~Nikki, Expansion Coach

Wow where do I begin? Activate provided me with so much clarity around everything I have been feeling blurry with in my business. It is wild to me that 3 calls were able to provide me with that. I am the paintbrush source is using to paint this new paradigm of this new earth. It just made everything so clear to me. I am feeling soooo amped up and ready to step into my authentic expression and attract my soulmate clients.

~Brian Sanchez, Breathwork Practitioner 

Thank you for taking us on this journey and reminding us once again who we are. 

~Lindsay E., Life & Biz Advisor

So grateful for you 

Inside of ACTIVATE we will cover...